The Wild West Of Cryptocurrencies

I’m a great fan of cryptocurrencies, just because no government or central bank can have control over that currency. It’s a decentralized and anonymous way of transferring money, without the use of a middle man (with high processing fees.)

At the same time, I think any sane person understands the importance of some regulation. Not to restrict law abiding ICOs and startups, but to weed out the bad ones that give all of the rest a bad name. It isn’t a rare scenario, when some startups build a fake concept and promise riches to investors, but then leave everyone empty handed. Since there is no regulation, you have all sorts of schemes you can imagine in a financial system, all in one place: cryptocurrencies. Right this moment, it is literally the wild west, and companies are free to reign as they want with no serious consequence.

Luckily, for firms that are based in the US, things are starting to change a bit. We read here and there about companies (like Centra) that are being sued massively, or in other instances, regulators climbing in. I am the most anti regulation person you can meet, but when we are debating some regulation or pure robbery, I think we can all agree that we all prefer to not lose money to some scam artist.

Here’s the good news: anyone that does his research can pretty much understand whether a startup is legit and serious about launching an growing, or if its a 30 year old trying to buy mansions and cars, using other people’s money. So people that spend time actually reading through the white paper, addressing the tough questions in their telegram channel and in one word, do their due diligence, have nothing to fear really. Do you really think Wall Street isn’t still getting away with “murder” with the tricks they are pulling? It’s human nature to steal, so that will always exist with or without regulation. So it’s important for everyone to do their part, to ensure that they don’t get ripped off.

One ICO that I’m confident is legit and in fact will be successful throughout the next couple years, is Rentberry. They are seeking to connect tenants and landlords, in one platform to make transactions and manage contracts etc. Definitely worth viewing: